Qhov Nrov Dutch Cheeses

Video: Qhov Nrov Dutch Cheeses

Video: Qhov Nrov Dutch Cheeses
Video: Different kinds of cheese in The Netherlands | Dutch Cheeses | Discover Dutch cheese | Gouda Cheese 2024, Cuaj hlis
Qhov Nrov Dutch Cheeses
Qhov Nrov Dutch Cheeses

Tus Netherlands tseem muaj ob lub cim - cheese thiab tulips. Ob leeg paub thiab hlub yuav luag sib npaug. Qhov tseeb, cov neeg hauv zos tau zoo siab rau lawv cov cheese uas ua rau lawv zoo siab dua thaum lawv muag nws dua li thaum lawv noj. Niaj hnub no, cov tuam txhab Dutch tsim ntau txog ntau lab lab ib lab ntawm cheese, feem ntau ntawm cov raug xa mus rau cov teb chaws thoob ntiaj teb.

Qee hom nto moo tshaj plaws ntawm cheese tau qhia cov npe ntawm cov nroog qub Dutch, qhov chaw uas lawv tau muag rau ib-paus xyoo. Thiab txawm hais tias cov kab lis kev cai ntawm kev ua cheese tau hloov ntau dua los sis tsawg dua, lawv lub saj tseem zoo li qub.

Gouda yog tsoos Dutch nyuaj nyuaj nrog lub keeb kwm zoo siab tiag tiag thiab khaws cia kab lis kev cai hauv kev tsim khoom. Zoo li feem ntau hom cheese, Gouda tsis muaj qhov tshwj xeeb, thiab muaj npe tom qab lub nroog uas nws tau tsim. Lub nroog Gouda nyob rau sab qab teb Holland, ze Rotterdam. Keeb kwm ntawm lub rooj noj mov txaus ntshai pib xyoo 1184, uas ua rau nws yog ib qho ntawm kev rov ua qub txeeg qub teg. Nws tseem tau tshaj tawm tias King Louis XIV ntawm Fabkis tus kheej nws tus kheej tau hlub nws.

Thaum sab laug sawv ntsug, qhov saj ntawm gouda cheese khaws nws cov qab zib, tab sis dhau los ua qhov muag muag, thiab haus gouda muaj qhov tsw nutmeg.

Kuv tabtom noj
Kuv tabtom noj

Edam kuj tseem muaj npe nrov ntawm Dutch cheese, paub txog nws qhov ci liab waxy rind. Nyob hauv nws lub tebchaws, nws tseem noj nrog lub xov ntsuab daj, thiab ib qho dub txhais tau tias cov tshij tau ntev li 17 lub lis piam.

Cov khoom lag luam yog tsim los ntawm nyuj cov mis nyuj thiab muaj npe tom qab chaw nres nkoj ntawm Edam. Nws yog feem ntau ntim cov tub ntxhais hluas, thaum nws qhov kev ntxhib los mos yog ywj thiab muag, thiab qhov qab yog qab zib thiab nutty. Nyob rau hauv ntau paub tab chees tus saj yog ntsim thiab nrog ib tug ntse tiav.

Kws txiav plaub hau yog ib hom ntawm cov mos nyuj cov mis nyuj ua rau hauv Netherlands, Belgium thiab Yelemes. Keeb kwm ntawm cheese tau txuas nrog Trappist tus txiv neej uas tau pib tsim nws nyob hauv Nrab Hnub nyoog.

Kws tsim hluav taws xob
Kws tsim hluav taws xob

Ib yam li lwm yam cheese, nws tseem muaj npe tom qab nws lub nroog. Neeg tsim khoom tsim hluav taws xob yog lub nroog uas yog ntau pua xyoo dhau los nyob hauv Netherlands, tab sis hnub no thaj chaw raug faib ntawm Belgium thiab Yelemes. Yog li ntawv lawv thiaj li muaj ntawv thov nyiaj pab txoj kev ua noj muaj qab hau.

Nws saj yog ntsim thiab qhov tsw qab yog muaj zog. Muaj qee cov kab ntawm dawb pwm ntawm daim tawv ntoo.

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